Aderonke Oyetunji joins the JCDS Governing Board

We want to welcome the newest member of the JCDS Governing Board, Aderonke Oyetunji!

Kiki is a physician with an MBA and a Behavioral Specialist Certification in Applied Behavioral Analysis. She is currently a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Fellow through the Kansas University Medical Center.

Her interest in the IDD field stems from her personal experience navigating the system with her son who was diagnosed with ADHD as a young child. That experience helped her better understand social determinants that impact access to comprehensive and continuous care and the resources available to aid access to affordable care and services for people with disabilities. Now, Kiki is determined to make an impact for people with disabilities within Johnson County.

Her passion for this work is evident, and we are fortunate she is willing to serve on our governing board. Learn more about the JCDS governing board.

Developmental Supports