Stay prepared for emergencies year round with these tips from Johnson County Emergency Management

30 Days 30 Ways campaign with Emergency Management logo

While National Preparedness Month is coming to a close, Johnson County Emergency Management wants to make sure you stay prepared all year long. That's because an emergency could happen anytime, anywhere – such as a tornado, flood or power outage.

Emergency Management has been providing tips throughout September with its 30 Days, 30 Ways to stay prepared campaign, and there are a handful of tips that could keep you safe in the case of an emergency.

  • Create and discuss a household emergency plan: Keep your whole family prepared. As you plan, consider any family members with special needs, specific preparations for children and what you will do with your pets.
  • Create an emergency kit with essential items to last, at minimum, the first 72 hours: An emergency kit includes essentials like medicine, food, water, an emergency blanket, a flashlight and more. Find a checklist of items at
  • Have multiple ways of receiving emergency notifications: Ensure Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are activated on your cellphone, purchase a weather radio and follow official news sources.

If you live or work in Johnson County, we encourage you to sign up for emergency alerts from NotifyJoCo. NotifyJoCo sends out time-sensitive messages in the event of an emergency. Sign up at

Help keep our community prepared this National Preparedness Month and beyond. Find more preparedness tips at, as well as through FEMA at

Emergency Services