Notice and Agreement to Appear

My child received a Notice and Agreement to Appear. What happens next?

The youth/parent is mandated to contact the Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center (JIAC) within 24 hours of the arrest. If staff are not available to take your call, a detailed message may be left.

By speaking with JIAC staff or leaving a message you have fulfilled your requirement to contact JIAC. JIAC staff will attempt to set an appointment time with the family at their earliest convenience.

Was my child arrested?

Yes. If your child received a Notice to Appear, he was technically arrested.

Information you will need from the NTA form that was issued to your child.    

Please be ready to provide this information when scheduling an appointment.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

  • The youth accused of the offense.
  • At least one parent/guardian.
  • The signed NTA form given from law enforcement

What will be discussed during the assessment?

  • Relationships and dynamics in the home.
  • School grades, attendance and behavior issues.
  • Drug and alcohol use history.
  • Mental health history.

No questions will be asked of the youth in regards to the alleged offense.

Your child’s fingerprints, photograph and DNA may be taken according to Kansas State Statute, depending on the type of offense alleged.

What is the purpose of this assessment?

The main goal of this assessment is to highlight the youth’s strengths and identify areas or risk or concern. By doing this, we can focus on providing services to address the needs of the youth and family and hopefully prevent future police contact.

Do we need an attorney present at this assessment?

An attorney is not required at this appointment as we do not discuss the alleged offense. However, you are welcome to contact an attorney at any time.