Cybersecurity Threats Create Demand for Specialized Education and IT Professionals

October 1, 2016

Career opportunities graph

Technology affords us ever-evolving conveniences and efficiencies, as well as risks.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month; however, heightened vigilance is relevant year-round. In fact, last week the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John Brennan, said the United States now faces an “unprecedented range of threats” in the digital domain.

With every threat, there is an opportunity. As cybersecurity dangers increase, so does the demand for IT professionals with specialized education and skills.

But, job openings remain unfilled for lack of available, qualified talent. To address worker-shortage gaps for this in-demand field, the KU Edwards Campus launched an Information Security and Assurance Certificate, funded by JCERT, this fall. A national survey of 900 cybersecurity professionals reported certification was among the top criteria in considering potential employees.* The new KU Edwards Campus certificate enables Kansas City’s IT workforce to learn about information-security concepts, governance and fundamental and emerging technologies, as well as gain proficiency in security policies, procedures and risk management.

Curious to know if you’re practicing safe cybersecurity habits? KU’s Dr. Hossein Saiedian shares 10 tips for protecting your personal and business information.

Learn more about this certificate and KU’s JCERT-funded bachelor’s and master’s degrees in information technology, available at the Edwards Campus in Kansas City.

The Johnson County Education Research Triangle (JCERT) was created in 2008 when voters supported a 1/8- cent JCERT sales tax. Today, the tax generates more than $15 million annually to advance academic, research and business endeavors at its partner organizations: the KU Edwards Campus in Overland Park; the Kansas State University campus in Olathe; and the University of Kansas Clinical Research Center in Fairway.

*State of Cybersecurity: Implications for 2015; ISACA