Enrollment in JCERT-Supported Programs Grows 12.4% at KU Edwards Campus

October 20, 2021

graph 12.4% increase

JCERT funding for KUEC is specifically earmarked for business, engineering, science and technology programs.

The latest KU Edwards Campus (KUEC) enrollment news reveals a 12.4% increase in year-over-year student credit hours in degree and certificate programs supported by the Johnson County Education Research Triangle.

JCERT funding for KUEC is specifically earmarked for business-, engineering-, science- and technology-related programs. Following is enrollment growth in those areas from fall 2020 to fall 2021:





This was also the first regular semester of the new JCERT-supported Bachelor of Health Sciences offered through the KU School of Professional Studies. Thirty-one students enrolled in courses for this degree and related certificate courses, generating 595 student credit hours.

“JCERT’s essential support enables us to launch and build relevant programs that prepare students to meet today’s workforce needs,” said Stuart Day, dean of KUEC and the School of Professional Studies.

KUEC has been a KU presence in Kansas City for nearly 30 years. It provides flexible, career-focused education to adult learners, including on-campus, online and hybrid course options. Visit KU Edwards Campus for more information.