Latent Prints

The Latent Print section handles requests for fingerprint analysis and is also responsible for helping identify deceased individuals when requested by the Johnson County Medical Examiner’s Office.

Examiners analyze developed latent prints for comparative value, conduct comparisons between latent prints and known prints, and form source opinions (e.g., identification, exclusion, etc.) based on demonstrable data. Unidentified finger and palm prints may be searched through the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), accessing state-level known print records in Kansas and Missouri and federal-level known print records via the FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) system.

In addition to analytical duties, the Latent Print section is also responsible for processing submitted items of evidence for the presence of latent prints. Examiners utilize a variety of techniques to develop and/or enhance prints on a number of surfaces. These techniques include physical (e.g., fingerprint powder), chemical (e.g., to target specific components in a latent print), and electronic (e.g., forensic light sources) processes. Examiners are also trained in preservation techniques to include digital photography.

Footwear and Tire Track examinations are also conducted within the Latent Print section.