

A list of all Johnson County Wastewater (JCW) regulatory documents.

Water Quality Lab

Johnson County Wastewater’s Water Quality Laboratory serves the residents of Johnson County, providing analytical services encompassing drinking water, stream water, municipal treatment plants and industries.

Food Service Permits

Johnson County Wastewater's food service permitting team regulates and monitors the pumping and maintenance of grease interceptors and establishes best management practices to prevent sewer backups caused by fats, oils and grease. Apply for food service permits.

Commercial Sewer Permits

Johnson County Wastewater's commercial permitting team reviews and inspects commercial building plans and plumbing in accordance with our regulations. Find requirements and apply for commercial permits. 

Residential Sewer Permits

Johnson County Wastewater's residential permitting team regulates and inspects the installation, modification and repair of residential sewer connections and service lines. Find resources and apply for residential permits.

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