
Report a Sewer Problem

Report a sewer problem by entering an address or selecting the location on the map to determine if JCW services your address. If you are currently experiencing a basement backup, please call 913-354-7670.

Report a sewer problem

Johnson County Wastewater (JCW) Request for Non-Emergency Service. This site provides a convenient web service request and reporting process for sanitary sewer problems.

Odor Complaint

Wastewater customers can report odor complaints using an online form.

Publicly Financed Sewer Main Application

Publicly financed sewer mains are are the larger diameter sewer mains that serve sub-watersheds within one of the many primary watersheds in JCW's service area.  Publicly financed sewer main projects can be initiated by JCW, cities, developers or property owners. Request a meeting or project.

Privately Financed Sewer Main Application

Privately financed sewer mains are engineered and constructed by a developer's engineering and construction teams.  Johnson County Wastewater reviews the sewer main plans and construction for compliance with JCW and state regulations. Request a project

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