Civil Service Board


Regular Meeting
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 8:30 a.m.
County Administration Building – Board Hearing Room

Call to Order

  • Roll Call

Approval of the Minutes

1. Consider approving the March 13, 2024, meeting minutes.

Presentations and General Reports

  • Overview of 2025 Proposed Pay Scale by Brian Seidler (67-Review) (No Attachments)
  • 2nd Quarter Policy Review [700, 701, 702, 703] (66-Review) (Policies Attached)

New Business

2. Deputy candidate eligibility (ineligibility) list for CSB quarterly certification (64-Review) (Memo and Status Report attached in Confidential Packet)

3. Summary of discipline actions / Personnel actions for Civil Service personnel(65-Review) – (Memo/Report attached in Confidential Packet)

New Business - From the Floor

Report of the Sheriff


Date: May 15, 2024
Time: 8:30 am

Administration Building
Room: Hearing Room

Board of County Commissioners Meeting
Public Meetings
Board of County Commissioners