Board of County Commissioners Meeting Recap: Aug. 29, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners met on Thursday, Aug. 29 in the Hearing Room at the Johnson County Administration Building.

Chairman Kelly opened the meeting with brief comments and a moment of silence to honor former BOCC Chair Annabeth Surbaugh, who passed away on Aug. 28.

More information, including attachments to agenda items, weekly reports, official minutes, votes, videos, information about how to make public comments and how to request accommodations is available at This recap is not the official record of the BOCC meeting.

BOCC Agenda for Aug. 29, 2024

Representatives to the Commission on Aging

Approved the appointment of Paul Lyons - First District representative, and the reappointments of John P. Smith and Carol Feaker – both Second District representatives, Dan Goodman – Third District representative and Ben Harber – Fifth District representative to the Commission on Aging through Aug. 31, 2027. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Reappointment to the Transportation Council

Approved the reappointment of Lisa Huesers – Third District representative to the Transportation Council through Aug. 31, 2027. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Reappointment to the Developmental Supports Board

Approved the reappointment of Inas Younis - Fourth District representative to the Developmental Supports Board through August 31, 2027. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Appointments to the Criminal Justice Advisory Council

Ratified the appointments of Kristy Baughman (non-profit organization), Susan Whitford (community leader) and Bob Pape (Council of Mayors) as Chairman representatives to the Criminal Justice Advisory Council through Oct. 2, 2026. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Funding for Lagoon Biosolids Cleanout Program

Conducted a public hearing and authorized funding for the Lagoon Biosolids Cleanout Program in an amount not to exceed $3,076,800, increasing the total authorization to $6,734,300, and increasing the annual Lagoon Biosolids Cleanout Term & Supply Contract limit with Denali Water Solutions from $2 million to $3 million. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Fire Services Agreements

Sitting as the Governing Body of Fire District No. 2, approved the 2024-2027 Fire Services Agreement with Fire District No. 1 and amended the 2021 Fire Services Agreement with Fire District No. 1 to terminate on Sept. 30, 2024. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Budget for Fire District No. 2

Approved the Fiscal Year 2025 budget for Johnson County Fire District No. 2. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Budget for Fire District No. 1

Approved the Fiscal Year 2025 budget for Johnson County Fire District No. 1. Vote: Passed 6-1.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, O’Hara, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft

Budget for Northwest Consolidated Fire District

Approved the Fiscal Year 2025 budget for Northwest Consolidated Fire District. Vote: Passed 5-2.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft, O’Hara

Budget for Consolidated Fire District No. 2

Approved the Fiscal Year 2025 budget for Consolidated Fire District No. 2. Vote: Passed 6-1.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, O’Hara, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft

Budget and CIP for Johnson County

Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for the County Taxing District and FY 2025 – 2029 Capital Improvement Program as proposed. Vote: Passed 5-2.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft, O’Hara

Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for the Johnson County Park and Recreation District as proposed. Vote: Passed 5-2.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft, O’Hara

Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for Johnson County Library as proposed. Vote: Passed 5-2.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft, O’Hara

Manager’s Memo, County Manager Penny Postoak Ferguson

NACO Achievement Awards
Johnson County was recently the recipient of seven NACO Achievement Awards. Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting programs that were recognized with an award. This week, we will highlight the Mental Health Parent Support Program.

City of Olathe – Notice of Public Hearing (Establishment of Redevelopment Plan (TIF))
The City of Olathe will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024, at 7 p.m., to consider the establishment of a redevelopment district. The proposed district is located at the corner of 135th Street and S. Mur-Len Rd. in Olathe, Kansas, and consists of one project area. The proposed project area is anticipated to contain 115,000 square feet of retail/commercial uses, including entertainment, restaurant, retail, office, medical office, and/or similar, related to or appurtenant uses, along with all associated site work and improvements.

County Economic Research Institute (CERI) Indicators – August 2024 Edition
The August 2024 edition of the Economic Indicators for Johnson County has been provided by CERI. The unemployment rate for June 2024 is 3.3%, compared to 2.7% in June 2023, a 0.6% increase. The number of single-family homes sold in June 2024 was 866, compared to 999 in June 2023, a 13% decrease. Additionally, the CERI reports total retail sales for Johnson County were $8.1 billion year-to-date, as of May 2024, compared to $7.9 billion through the same period, year-to-date, May 2023, a 1% increase.

Johnson County Government Time Capsule
Johnson County Government will be celebrating its 167th anniversary on Sept. 7 and will be dedicating a new time capsule in celebration. To coincide with the start of Old Settlers, we will dedicate the time capsule at 11:25 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5. The capsule will be placed in a vault located in the History Plaza area of the County Square at a later date. Included in the capsule are articles, documents, and items describing the Johnson County Government from 2021-2024. This is the time period in which the new courthouse was opened, the old courthouse was torn down, and the County Square was completed. Items include a laptop and power cord with videos from past State of County events loaded on the hard drive, a license plate, various pins from departments and agencies, artwork from a JCDS Emerging Artist, a large road map, and much more to come.

Rotating Art Exhibitions Coming to Johnson County Administration Building
Johnson County is pleased to announce a partnership with InterUrban Arthouse to bring a vibrant and diverse array of art to the community. Beginning in September 2024, InterUrban Arthouse will curate rotating art exhibitions in the Johnson County Administration Building. These exhibitions will showcase the work of local and regional artists, providing a unique opportunity for residents and visitors to experience a variety of artistic styles and mediums. The exhibits will rotate every four months, with a total of six planned annually. To learn more about the featured artists and their work, please visit the InterUrban Arthouse website.

Items on the Agenda for Sept. 5, 2024

Planning Commission reappointments

Consider approving the reappointment of Gregory T Wolf – First District Representative and Stephen Bradley Miller – Third District Representative to the Planning Commission through July 31, 2027.

Transportation Council reappointment

Consider approving the reappointment of Joshua Thede - First District Representative to the Transportation Council through August 31, 2027.

Commission on Aging reappointment

Consider Ratifying the reappointment of Jarrod Ousley – Chairman representative to the Commission on Aging through August 31, 2027.

Conditional Use Permit for a shop addition and other additions

Consider a request from Phelps Engineering, Inc, applicant, and ESS Properties, LLC, landowner, for revision of a conditional use permit to allow a shop addition and a new vehicle and equipment washout building in addition to an existing contractor office, shop, outdoor storage yard and storage building, on 15.74 acres, on property zoned PEC3, Planned Light Industrial Park District, located at 20750 Foster Court.

3 FTEs for the Mobile Crisis Response Team

Consider acceptance of the Mobile Crisis Response Expansion and Development Grant in the amount of $676,532 and authorize the Mental Health Department to add 3.0 FTEs to the Mobile Crisis Response Team (MCRT) and authorize the reallocation and expenditure of Mental Health fund balance (reserves) for FY 2024 in the amount of $120,000 and for FY 2025 in the amount of $267,000.

Serving behavioral health needs at Overland Park Municipal Court

Consider approving a memorandum of understanding with the City of Overland Park, Kansas to serve individuals with behavioral health needs at the Overland Park Municipal Court for an initial term ending December 31, 2024 with four (4) one-year (1) renewals and authorize the Mental Health Department to add 1.0 FTE Clinician to serve as a Behavioral Health Specialist and authorize the reallocation and expenditure of fund balance (reserves) for FY 2024 in the amount of $55,000 and for FY 2025 in the amount of $120,000.

2024 Solid Waste Management Plan

Hold a public hearing and consider the approval of the 2024 Johnson County Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP).

Proposed amendment to 2024 budget for Transportation Fund

Hold a public hearing for the purpose of receiving public comment and testimony on the proposed amendment to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Budget and consider adopting Resolution No. 067-24 amending the FY 2024 budget for the Transportation Fund, including increased appropriations for the Transportation Fund in the amount of $9,991,140.

Board of County Commissioners
Public Meetings