Board of County Commissioners Meeting Recap: Aug. 8, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners met on Thursday, Aug. 8 in the Hearing Room at the Johnson County Administration Building.

Commissioner Charlotte O’Hara was absent.

More information, including attachments to agenda items, weekly reports, official minutes, votes, videos, information about how to make public comments and how to request accommodations is available at This recap is not the official record of the BOCC meeting.

BOCC Agenda for Aug. 8, 2024

Loan agreement for wastewater project

Authorized the execution of a second loan agreement in the amount of $100 million with the State of Kansas, acting by and through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, for the purpose of obtaining a loan from the Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund as part of the approach to finance the Nelson Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements project, establishing a dedicated source of revenue for repayment of such loan, authorizing and approving certain documents in connection therewith and authorizing certain other actions in connection with the loan agreement. Vote: Passed 6-0.

Funding for wet weather storage facility project

Authorized the use of previously authorized project contingency funds for unforeseen conditions for any necessary contract change orders with Garney Companies, Inc. for additional excavation, fill and hauling work as part of the Mill Creek Wet Weather Storage Facility Project in an amount not to exceed $850,000, and authorized the Wastewater General Manager to execute change orders up to $850,000 in total, including any project change orders over $150,000, for site excavation, fill and hauling work. Vote: Passed 6-0.

Contract for railway upgrades

Authorized a contract with Railway Service Contractors, Inc. for Locomotive Repair and Component Upgrades in the amount not to exceed $645,004.65. Vote: Passed 6-0.

Manager’s Memo, County Manager Penny Postoak Ferguson

NACO Achievement Award recognized Happy or Not Survey

Johnson County was recently the recipient of seven NACO Achievement Awards. Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting programs that were recognized with an award. This week, we will highlight the Happy or Not Survey Tool utilized by Treasury, Taxation and Vehicles. A copy of the presentation materials is attached.

County employees participated in Hostile Event Response Training

In July, DES staff from the ECC and MED-ACT, along with other county public safety agencies, including law enforcement, fire departments, and dispatch centers, participated in Hostile Event Response Training. This training took place over six days at two different venues, training more than 900 personnel to help prepare responders to respond to these types of events, should a tragic event such as this occur in our community. The development and implementation of the training was a joint effort from members of various departments and agencies across the county. The core coordinating team was made up of staff from MED-ACT, Emergency Communications, Lenexa Fire, Lenexa Police, Overland Park Fire, Overland Park Police, Leawood Police, Leawood Fire, and Prairie Village Police Dispatch. The training provided not only education to responders but also provided a valuable opportunity to evaluate the community-wide response plan.

County employees, booth provided community outreach at Johnson County Fair

The 2024 Johnson County Fair, which ran from July 29 to Aug. 3 at the fairgrounds in Gardner, proved to be a great opportunity for community outreach. In the Commercial Building, visitors to the Johnson County booth spun a wheel and answered questions to win a prize. At the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office booth nearby, visitors met the personnel who help to keep the county safe, and kids could proudly wear a sticker “badge” to be deputy for the day. And right next door, Noxious Weed Director James Hoge educated fairgoers on how to identify and control noxious weeds in the county. On duty for the entire fairgrounds were the Sheriff’s Office and MED-ACT, providing health support and public safety assistance during scorching heat. Congratulations to all county employees who made the fair outreach possible.

Notices mailed of proposed property tax Increase and public hearings

The Department of Treasury, Taxation and Vehicles provided a memo regarding the revenue-neutral rate notifications that will be going out in estimated tax notices. The notices include the dates, times and locations for public hearings by taxing jurisdictions to exceed their revenue-neutral rates. The memo with additional details, a press release and sample notices for comparison are attached to the memo.

Other Reports

Mitchell Walker, Human Resources manager of talent acquisition and development, presented results of the Employee Engagement Survey.

Items on the BOCC Agenda for Aug. 15, 2024

Contracts for wastewater treatment chemicals

Consider authorizing term-and-supply contracts with Brenntag Mid-South Inc., Environmental Operating Solutions Inc., Evoqua Water Technologies LLC, Harcros Chemicals Inc., PVS DX Inc., PVS Technologies Inc., PVS Chemical Solutions Inc., and Shannon Chemical Corporation for wastewater treatment chemicals in an amount not to exceed $7. 3 million annually. The initial contract term is July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2026, with an option to renew for three additional 1-year periods, per Mid-America Regional Council Invitation for Bid 111.

Submittal of  carryover reimbursement budget

Consider authorizing and submitting the Johnson County Department of Corrections’ State FY2025 Carryover Reimbursement Budget to the Kansas Department of Corrections as recommended by the Community Corrections Advisory Board in the amount of $299,343.31.

Lease of passenger vehicles for 2026 FIFA event

Consider authorizing an exception to competition with Master’s Transportation for the lease of 50 Ford F650 Glaval Concorde III 35-passenger vehicles in an amount not to exceed $1.5 million for the 2026 FIFA event using $1.2 million of federal section 5307 funding and a local match of $300,000 while providing the vendor with a 10% refundable deposit of $150,000 in 2024.

Contract for election equipment

Consider authorizing an exception to competition and approve a contract with KNOWiNK for the purchase of replacement ticket printers and stands for current electronic poll books and the purchase of additional electronic poll books, software, accessories and services; authorize an increase in project authority for PollPad Printers - Expand in an amount not to exceed $40,280 for a revised total project authority of $601,780; and authorize the reallocation and expenditures of General Fund reserves in the amount of $40,280.

Board of County Commissioners
Public Meetings