Board of County Commissioners Meeting Recap: Sept. 5, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners met on Thursday, Sept. 5 in the Hearing Room at the Johnson County Administration Building.

The Board celebrated Johnson County’s selection of a 2024 Leading the Way Award by ETC Institute. 

More information, including attachments to agenda items, weekly reports, official minutes, votes, videos, information about how to make public comments and how to request accommodations is available at This recap is not the official record of the BOCC meeting.

BOCC Agenda for Sept. 5, 2024

Planning Commission reappointments

Approved the reappointments of Gregory T. Wolf – First District representative and Stephen Bradley Miller – Third District representative to the Planning Commission through July 31, 2027.

Transportation Council reappointment

Approved the reappointment of Joshua Thede - First District representative to the Transportation Council through Aug. 31, 2027.

Commission on Aging reappointment

Ratified the reappointment of Jarrod Ousley – Chairman representative to the Commission on Aging through Aug. 31, 2027.

3 FTEs for the Mobile Crisis Response Team

Accepted a Mobile Crisis Response Expansion and Development Grant in the amount of $676,532 and authorized the Mental Health Department to add 3.0 FTEs to the Mobile Crisis Response Team and authorized the reallocation and expenditure of Mental Health fund balance (reserves) for FY 2024 in the amount of $120,000 and for FY 2025 in the amount of $267,000.

Serving behavioral health needs at Overland Park Municipal Court

Approved a memorandum of understanding with the City of Overland Park to serve individuals with behavioral health needs at the Overland Park Municipal Court for an initial term ending Dec. 31, 2024 with four 1-year renewals and authorized the Mental Health Department to add 1.0 FTE clinician to serve as a behavioral health specialist and authorized the reallocation and expenditure of fund balance (reserves) for FY 2024 in the amount of $55,000 and for FY 2025 in the amount of $120,000. 

Consent Agenda Vote: Passed 7-0

Conditional Use Permit for a shop addition and other additions

Approved a request from Phelps Engineering, Inc, applicant, and ESS Properties, LLC, landowner, for revision of a conditional use permit to allow a shop addition and a new vehicle and equipment washout building in addition to an existing contractor office, shop, outdoor storage yard and storage building, on 15.74 acres, on property zoned PEC3, Planned Light Industrial Park District, at 20750 Foster Court. Vote: Passed 7-0.

2024 Solid Waste Management Plan

After a public hearing, approved the 2024 Johnson County Solid Waste Management Plan. Vote: Passed 6-1.

  • Yes: Fast, O’Hara, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft

Proposed amendment to 2024 budget for Transportation Fund

After a public hearing, adopted Resolution No. 067-24 amending the FY 2024 budget for the Transportation Fund, including increased appropriations for the Transportation Fund in the amount of $9,991,140. Vote: Passed 6-1.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Ashcraft, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: O’Hara

Executive Session

After meeting in executive session, motion was made to approve the fourth amendment to the real estate purchase agreement with MAA Krupa Lenexa LLC, dated Dec. 14, 2023, and authorize the Chair to sign the amendment. This is in relation to the proposed homelessness services center. Vote: Passed 7-0.

Manager’s Memo, County Manager Penny Postoak Ferguson

Landlord Incentive Pilot Program received NACO award

Johnson County was recently the recipient of seven NACO Achievement Awards. Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting programs that were recognized with an award. This week, we will highlight the Landlord Incentive Pilot Program.

Innovation Team manages Sparks Pilot program

Sparks is a pilot program designed to encourage collaboration and innovation across Johnson County's government. Managed by the county's Innovation Team, this 12–15-month program will select 15 employees from each of the county's key strategic programs—such as Culture and Recreation, Infrastructure, Health and Human Services, Records and Taxation, Support Services, Public Safety and Judicial and Emergency Services—to work on transformative projects. As Sparks members, participants will have the opportunity to join monthly Innovation Cafes/sessions for sharing ideas, learning and collaborating with peers and actively engage in the Innovation Team's collaborative projects across departments. The program aims to enhance operational efficiency and support professional growth by bringing a diverse range of operational perspectives and collaboration to the forefront, all while reinforcing the county's commitment to being a high-performing and innovative organization.

50 Plus hosted Live Well Age Well event

Johnson County Parks and Recreation 50 Plus program hosted a Live Well Age Well Expo last Thursday, Aug. 29. The event occurred at the Johnson County Arts & Heritage Center. The purpose of the free event was to promote health, independence and connection for local aging adults. A vendor fair showcased more than 50 businesses, health organizations, community partners and service providers all offering resources and support tailored to meet aging needs or those of aging loved ones.

Other Reports

The Board received a presentation on performance audit: procurement thresholds from Auditor Harry Heflin and Mike Eglinski, senior auditor.

Items on the BOCC Agenda for Sept. 12, 2024

Dedicating land for public road purposes

Consider adopting Resolution No. 070-24 dedicating certain land for public road purposes at New Century Commerce Center.

Contract for software in inventory review

Consider authorizing a contract with Carahsoft Technology Corporation, for ResourceX software for program and service inventory review, in an amount not to exceed $337,818, per cooperative contract #EI00063-2021MA and authorize the reallocation and expenditure of General Fund reserves in the amount of $314,418, Library Operating Fund reserves in the amount of $11,700, and Park & Recreation General Fund reserves in the amount of $11,700.

Item withdrawn 9/5: Purchase of transit vehicles.

Contract for T-hangar reconstruction

Invitation for Bid (IFB) 2024-023, Consider authorizing a contract with Centric in the amount of $3,201,583, for the Reconstruction of T-Hangars Mike and November, at the Johnson County Executive Airport; and authorizing an increase of $3,643,171 for the Airport T-Hangar capital project bringing the new project authorization to an amount not to exceed $7,900,000.

Bonds for airport improvements

Resolution No. 069-24. Consider adopting Resolution No. 069-24 authorizing and approving certain airport improvements in the additional amount of $1,700,000; authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds to pay for these improvements plus costs of issuance and other related financing costs as authorized by K.S.A. 3-301 et seq.; and authorizing the publication of notice of intent to issue general obligation internal improvement bonds in the official county newspaper.

Design services for new air traffic control tower

Consider authorizing Authorization No. 2a. for Design Engineering Services for a new air traffic control tower at New Century AirCenter, per the term and supply contract with Burns and McDonnell for the siting, design, bidding and construction services for a new air traffic control tower at the AirCenter in an amount not to exceed $1,465,474; and authorizing an increase of $1,545,780 for the related capital project account in an amount not to exceed $2,145,980.

Contract for locomotive services

Request for Proposal (RFP) # 2024-045, Consider authorizing a term and supply contract with Railway Service Contractors, Inc, for locomotive maintenance, repair and service, at a cost not to exceed $200,000 for a period of one year with the option to renew for four additional 1-year periods.

Board of County Commissioners
Public Meetings