Board of County Commissioners Monthly Recap: Aug 2024

Here are some highlights of the Board of County Commissioners’ actions in Aug. 2024. More information, including official minutes, votes and videos on all items is available at

Budget adopted

Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and FY 2025 – 2029 Capital Improvement Program as proposed. More information is available in this news release.

Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget and FY 2025 – 2029 Capital Improvement Program as proposed. Vote: Passed 5-2.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft, O’Hara

Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for the Johnson County Park and Recreation District as proposed. Vote: Passed 5-2.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft, O’Hara

Adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for Johnson County Library as proposed. Vote: Passed 5-2.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Kelly
  • No: Ashcraft, O’Hara

Acceptance of grant for EV charging stations

Authorized the Department of Health and Environment to accept the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Carbon Reduction Program grant award in the amount of $1,433,000 to provide electric vehicle infrastructure to the community.  Learn more in this news release. Vote: Passed 6-1.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Ashcraft, Kelly
  • No: O’Hara

Loan agreement for wastewater project

Authorized the execution of a second loan agreement in the amount of $100 million with the State of Kansas, acting by and through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, for the purpose of obtaining a loan from the Kansas Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund as part of the approach to finance the Nelson Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements project, establishing a dedicated source of revenue for repayment of such loan, authorizing and approving certain documents in connection therewith and authorizing certain other actions in connection with the loan agreement. Vote: Passed 6-0.

Lease of passenger vehicles for 2026 FIFA event

Authorized an exception to competition with Master’s Transportation for the lease of 50 Ford F650 Glaval Concorde III 35-passenger vehicles in an amount not to exceed $1.5 million for the 2026 FIFA event using $1.2 million of federal section 5307 funding and a local match of $300,000 while providing the vendor with a 10% refundable deposit of $150,000 in 2024. Vote: Passed 6-1.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Allenbrand, Ashcraft Kelly
  • No: O’Hara
Board of County Commissioners
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