Chairman Eilert delivers his final State of the County Address

Front view of Chairman Ed Eilert speaks from a podium in the Overland Park Convention Center ballroom, dark backdrop behind him

Board of County Commissioners Chairman Ed Eilert delivered his final State of the County address on Tuesday, March 29, after earlier this year, announcing his retirement from the board.

The Chairman celebrates 44 years of elected public service in local government. His current term ends in 2023. This year’s theme is Stronger Together, to reflect the countless examples of collaboration in 2021 within Johnson County Government departments, agencies and offices, as well as community partners.

The event took place at the Overland Park Convention Center. It was sponsored by the Johnson County Public Policy Council and hosted by the Northeast Johnson County Chamber of Commerce. The event was livestreamed on our YouTube channel and website.

In his speech, Chairman Eilert highlighted three specific areas, accompanied by videos. Watch the videos below, and view a full recap of the chairman's address on our State of the County webpage.

Pandemic Response

In the second year of COVID-19, Johnson County Department of Health and Environment led the effort to get vaccinations into the arms of our residents. The county and its partners collaborated on slowing down the spread in schools, providing key data and metrics on a COVID-19 dashboard and managing a fair and accurate disbursement of COVID-19 federal funding.

JoCo Airports

2021 was a busy year at our two airports…Johnson County Executive Airport and New Century AirCenter. Highlights include improvement projects, a major air show and paving the way for new business, jobs and economic development at the New Century Commerce Center.

Vulnerable Populations

 A core function of county government is meeting the needs of our growing aging population. The Department of Aging and Human Services has served as a central safety net and lifeline for aging adults, children and low-income families. Mental health is another critical component of community health. We know the pandemic has made this more difficult with increased demands at Johnson County Mental Health Center.  Another important human service is provided by Johnson County Developmental Supports, serving residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

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