Jan. 13 BOCC meeting to be held virtually

On Monday, Jan. 10, Johnson County Board of County Commissioner Chairman Ed Eilert announced that the BOCC meeting on Thursday, Jan. 13 will take place virtually, not in person.

“Due to our role to protect the health of the community and to maintain continuity of operations, I have suspended the rules of order under the authority of the Chair and determined that we will hold this Thursday’s Board of County Commissioners meeting all virtually,” said Chairman Eilert. “This decision has been made in consultation with our health experts, legal department and managers.”

At Thursday’s meeting, the BOCC will take action on a resolution that, if authorized, would make its meetings all virtual effective at that time through Feb. 17, which would be subject to change by the full commission should disease transmission levels improve. The resolution would also include all public meetings for our agencies, commissions, boards and other appointed bodies.

Johnson County is closely monitoring vaccination rates among residents, hospital capacity, along with the COVID-19 incidence rate and percent positivity. As of today, Johnson County has an incidence rate of 1,585 new cases per 100,000, and a percent positivity rate of 30.3%. 

The meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m., on Thursday, Jan. 13. Watch live at boccmeetings.jocogov.org and on Facebook Live at facebook.com/jocogov

Public comments are being accepted for the BOCC meeting for those who preregister. Live public comments will be accepted via Zoom, audio only. Individuals wishing to speak via Zoom may register by completing this registration form. Online registration opens Tuesday afternoon/evening (to coincide with publishing the agenda) and closes at noon, on the Wednesday before the Thursday meeting. 

Board of County Commissioners
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