Special Board of County Commissioners Meeting Recap: Sept. 19, 2024

The Board of County Commissioners met on Thursday, Sept. 19 in a special meeting in the Hearing Room at the Johnson County Administration Building.

Commissioner Allenbrand was absent.

More information, including attachments to agenda items, weekly reports, official minutes, votes, videos, information about how to make public comments and how to request accommodations is available at boccmeetings.jocogov.org. This recap is not the official record of the BOCC meeting.

BOCC Agenda for Sept. 19, 2024

Consider termination of the real estate purchase agreement with MAA Krupa Lenexa, LLC, and assignment agreement with reStart following the City of Lenexa’s denial of a special use permit for a proposed Homeless Services Center in Lenexa and direct staff to develop new options for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds with an emphasis on housing services and programs.

Amendment was made to remove the phrase "with an emphasis on housing services and programs" from the original motion. Vote: Failed 3-3.

  • Yes: Fast, O’Hara, Ashcraft
  • No: Meyers, Hanzlick, Kelly

Motion was made to split the original motion. The first vote including the termination agreements and the second vote directing staff to develop new options with an emphasis on housing. Vote: Passed 4-2.

  • Yes: Fast, O’Hara, Ashcraft, Kelly
  • No: Meyers, Hanzlick

Termination of the real estate purchase agreement with MAA Krupa Lenexa, LLC, and assignment agreement with reStart following the City of Lenexa’s denial of a special use permit for a proposed Homeless Services Center in Lenexa. Vote: Passed 6-0.

Direct staff to develop new options for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds with an emphasis on housing services and programs. Vote: Passed 5-1.

  • Yes: Fast, Meyers, Hanzlick, Ashcraft, Kelly
  • No: O’Hara
Board of County Commissioners
Public Meetings