Roofing, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Permit
- All Roofing, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical contractors must be licensed with Johnson County Contractor Licensing. Please be sure to apply using the exact company name printed on the license provided by JCCL when submitting the application online.
- All Residential Re-roofing, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical permits may be applied for and approved by an inspector or the Building Official. There is not plan review fee for residential MEPR permits.
- All Commercial Re-roofing, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical permits will require plan review, therefore a set of plans and a plan review fee will be required at the time of application.
1. Search Address
Before you apply for a permit, make sure the address for your project is in the ‘unincorporated’ Johnson County area. Enter an address or KUPN number in the location search box provided. If the address returns with ‘Unincorporated Area’ then you can proceed with the permit application process. If your search returns with a ‘City’ name, then use the contact information provide to contact your city planning department.
2. Permit Process
- When applying online be sure to include if it is a tear off, # of squares, material to be used, and valuation.
- Commercial re-roof permits will require plan review and a set of plans sealed by a Design Professional registered in the State of Kansas. The plans must be uploaded when making application through the customer portal.
- Required inspections:
- Mid-phase (if Commercial, there may be more than one)
- Final
- When applying online be sure to include the amount of amps, description of work, and valuation.
- Commercial electrical permits will require a review and may require a set of plans. The plans must be uploaded when making application through the customer portal.
- Required inspections:
- Electrical Rough-In
- Electrical Underground (if applicable)
- Above Ceiling Electrical (if applicable)
- Electrical Service (if applicable)
- Final
- When applying online be sure to include a description of work and valuation.
- Commercial plumbing permits will require a review and may require a set of plans. The plans must be uploaded when making application through the customer portal.
- Required inspections:
- Plumbing Rough-in
- Plumbing Underground (if applicable)
- Above Ceiling Plumbing (if applicable)
- Gas Inspection (if applicable)
- Final
- When applying online be sure to include a description of work and valuation.
- Commercial mechanical permits will require a review and may require a set of plans. The plans must be uploaded when making application through the customer portal.
- Required inspections:
- Mechanical Rough-In
- Above Ceiling Mechanical (if applicable)
- Final