Video Gallery

What is a non-congregate shelter?

What are the benefits of a non-congregate shelter?

How would this facility be different than a typical homeless shelter?

How will you keep both the residents and the community safe and secure?

What are wrap-around services?

Who would work at the Homeless Services Center?

How do people end up homeless, especially in Johnson County, Kansas?

Will mental health services be available at the Homeless Services Center?

What if people do not want to stay at the Homeless Services Center?

What will it mean to have a homeless services center in Johnson County?

Why is a hotel a good model for a temporary shelter?

UCS: What is Housing First?

UCS: What is a Coordinated Entry System?

UCS: What is the Continuum of Care on homelessness?

UCS: What are the solutions to homelessness?

UCS: What are the causes of homelessness in Kansas?

Site Video Footage B-Roll

For Media: Please download a video featuring b-roll footage from the homeless services center site.