County leadership looking ahead to 2025 budget

Budget Process calendar with key dates in the 2025 budget development process

We are now approximately one quarter into our FY 2024 adopted budget. The $1.79 billion budget ($1.26 billion in expenditures and $528.64 million in reserves) accomplished many things for our residents and workforce:

  • Maintained the reserves that help us achieve the best credit rating possible, leading to savings when we issue debt for big projects.
  • Put resources towards the county programs and services that best align with the priorities of the BOCC and the community.
  • Invested in our workforce to retain and recruit staff who provide valued county programs and services.

County leadership is already looking ahead to the 2025 budget. The budget calendar has been set and includes plenty of opportunities for the public to learn and engage.

“Our budget process relies on hearing from the community, so we hope that you will take advantage of at least one opportunity to provide us with your feedback.” said Johnson County Board of County Commissioners Chairman Mike Kelly.

While internal 2025 budget work takes place throughout the organization beginning last December, the BOCC takes its first official step in the process on Thursday, March 28, when it holds its Budget Retreat.

County Manager Penny Postoak Ferguson will present her 2025 proposed budget to the BOCC in a public session, streamed live and recorded, on Thursday, May 23. The public can attend this meeting in person as well.

“A lot of hard work, strategy and expertise goes into the annual proposed budget,” said Postoak Ferguson. “In addition, the proposed budget balances the needs voiced from our organization, the BOCC priorities and the feedback we hear from the community in our annual survey.”

Thursday afternoons between May 30 and through the end of June will be dedicated to discussions on individual departments, agencies and offices, as well as external organizations that receive annual county funding. The BOCC will set its maximum budget for publication on Thursday, June 27, at its regular business session.

Also, in June, the county will hold public budget open houses on the budget, where attendees can take a deep dive into the 2025 proposed budget, ask questions and provide feedback.

These take place on June 3 at Central Resource Library (9875 W. 7th St., Overland Park) and June 10 at Monticello Library (22435 W. 66th St., Shawnee). For each date and location, open houses will be held from 10 a.m. to noon and 5 to 7 p.m. Please watch Johnson County Government’s social media channels and for any updates.

The public has another opportunity to weigh in at the county’s annual Public Hearing and Revenue Neutral Rate hearing. This takes place the evening of Tuesday, August 20 at 6 p.m. in the BOCC Hearing room where the Board holds its regular meetings. The BOCC is scheduled to adopt the 2025 budget on Thursday, August 29 at its regular business session.

“In addition to attending our budget open houses and our public hearing, community members have ongoing opportunities to provide feedback to the commissioners on the budget,” said Robin Symes, Budget and Financial Planning Director for Johnson County Government. “We have public comments, in person and virtual, at the beginning of all Board of County Commissioners meetings. Members of the public can always submit written comments, or simply reach out to one commissioner, or the entire Board, by phone or email.”

Please learn more about all of these options and the budget process at

Residents look at displays at a budget open house event