Friends of JCDS: Building homes and changing lives

Stacy Swensen, Gary Eilert and Eric Maze at a wheelchair-accommodated home

By Gary Eilert (Assisted by Jessica Bettoni

It’s always been a challenge for me to find housing that accommodates my wheelchair, fits my budget and makes me feel safe. When Friends of JCDS came along, everything changed. Friends of JCDS is an independent 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that has made it their mission to provide safe, affordable and accessible housing for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are supported by Johnson County Developmental Supports.

Friends of JCDS will hit a milestone of 24 houses this year in 2024. The charitable organization provides housing for more than 90 residents in six cities across Johnson County. This organization gives us a better place to live and advocates for people with disabilities who may struggle to advocate for themselves.

“That’s something that we can be proud of that we’ve accomplished,” said Janel Bowers, CEO of Friends of JCDS. “We are giving people a safe place to live; we make homes that add value to the neighborhood; and people can have a rent that they can afford.”

The housing market continues to be a major barrier to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. After my landlord decided to sell my previous home, I found myself in search of a new place to live that would meet all my accessibility needs, which isn’t an easy task. Luckily, I was able to move into a home owned by Friends of JCDS, and the rent was within my budget. Despite increases in Social Security benefits, the average annual income (benefits and wages) of a person with IDD who is supported by JCDS is less than $14,000 a year. This is why Friends of JCDS ensures their rental prices stay at or below a third of their tenants’ income.

Before residing in a Friends of JCDS home, we used to have to abide by the landlords’ preferences and restrictions. Now, we work together to implement the changes that we want or need. For instance, I am free to decorate my room however I please. It makes me feel very good that they genuinely care about us and value our input. They also ensure that all our homes are as accessible as the residents require by doing things like removing barriers for wheelchairs, installing ramps, creating accessible bathrooms and widening doorways and hallways.

In addition to rehabilitating homes and building new homes, Friends of JCDS strives to improve existing homes as well, including mine. In recent years, they have been adding accessible gardening beds and various outdoor activities and supplies to the homes that residents truly enjoy. In my house specifically, they have made several updates over the years, revamping the kitchen, bathroom and flooring while also installing new handrails. The most significant enhancement was when they installed a ceiling lift system. It safely lifts and transports me within my house. It makes it much easier to get around, and there is a remote control for independent use.

Friends of JCDS is providing a better quality of life for those who need it most. They even sometimes deliver baskets to our homes filled with enjoyable and engaging activities, ranging from DIY pizza-making kits to bird-feeding supplies. Additionally, they host and organize fun events like movie nights or free concerts for all residents.

Most importantly, the team at Friends of JCDS regularly meets with us, our parents and guardians to genuinely get to know each person who lives in their homes to understand our individual needs. Friends of JCDS plays a vital role in alleviating barriers for myself and many of my friends. Without their support, accessing basic needs such as a safe place to live would be much more challenging.

“It’s important to us that people have a house that they feel is their home. We just get up every morning and try to do good work,” Bowers expressed.

Are you interested in making a difference and helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, like me, within your community? All Friends of JCDS homes have been made possible through volunteer efforts and support, and there is still so much more to accomplish. Friends of JCDS regularly schedule group volunteer opportunities to trim bushes, rake leaves, plant flowers and say hi to residents. Do you or your business specialize in a construction trade? If so, you could help build a ramp, paint a wall, hang shelves, etc. They also organize several fun celebrations and fundraisers throughout the year that we would love for the community to join us.

To learn more about Friends of JCDS and how to volunteer or donate, please visit You can also follow them on Facebook @friendsofjcds to get the latest updates on all the happenings of the organization and its residents