CDDO Meetings

Johnson County Affiliate Meetings

CDDO Staff Contact: 

Gail Lauri

Quality Assurance Committee

CDDO Staff Contact: 

Ashae Amerine

Joe Thomas

Marlo Silva

Council of Community Members

As a provision of the Developmental Disabilities Reform Act (K.A.R. 30-64-31), CDDOs are required to develop a Council of Community Members made up of volunteers that include individuals with a developmental disability, guardians, families, community provider representatives and CDDO representatives. This committee makes suggestions and recommendations concerning any services issue including the following:

     • The types of services being offered by various providers within the services area; and the manner in which those services are being provided.
     • The development and implementation of the dispute resolution process.
     • The development, implementation and progress reporting as to local capacity building plans.

CDDO Staff Contact: 

Monica Pfannes

Debby Slifer