Mental Health

AOAS - Treatment Rules & Expectations

Find the treatment rules and expectations, group rules and family participation expectations. Additionally, we share our alcohol, drug intoxication and drug testing policy.

Adult Services

Johnson County Mental Health Center uses the strengths model to assist people to recover and reclaim their lives. Adult services may also include a variety of specialty services that help meet specific needs in a more comprehensive way.

Deaf Services

Services provided to those who live in Johnson County regardless of age or county responsibility, and includes children who are attending Kansas School for the Deaf in the residential setting. 

Friends of JCMHC

The Friends of Johnson County Mental Health Center organization offers resources and initiatives to address unmet needs in our community

Youth Leadership Summit

A program focused on reducing underage alcohol and drug use, preventing suicide, promoting mental health, and encouraging healthy behaviors among youth in Johnson County. 


An alcohol intervention program that trains individuals to serve and/or sell alcohol responsibly in any setting.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an interactive 8-hour course that presents an overview of mental illness and substance use disorders in the U.S. and introduces participants to risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems.
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