Digital Best Times opt-in contest

Gerald Hay

We are looking for Best Times readers who are willing to opt-in to our digital version of the Best Times and opt-out of getting the printed magazine mailed to you.

For those who like to read magazines online, this will give you access to the Best Times about a week earlier than our print subscribers. You will also be helping the county save money on printing and postage.

If you choose to opt-in to the digital Best Times, (or if you already have) you have the chance to win one of two JoCo prize packs. Each one includes a $25 Johnson County Park and Recreation District gift card.

How do I enter?

Just complete and submit our form to opt-in for the digital Best Times and opt-out of the printed magazine. Please make sure you include your full name, mailing address and email address.

What’s the deadline?

Attendees at the Live Well Age Well expo on Aug. 29 also enter this contest at The Best Times booth. The contest runs through Sept. 20 at 5 p.m. Out of our entire pool of digital Best Times opt-ins, we will draw two winners on Sept. 23, 2024.

Can anyone participate?

This contest is geared towards readers of The Best Times (our mailing list is people who are 60 or older and registered voters.) However, anyone can opt-in to receive the digital version of the Best Times and enter this contest.

What else can you tell me about the prize?

Two winners will receive a JCPRD $25 gift card that can be used towards a wide range of virtual and in-person classes and activities, boating activities, golf outings, or even shelter rentals. You can also use the JCPRD gift card to towards JCPRD permits (fishing, boating archery, and metal detecting)!

Winners will also receive a JoCo prize pack with some fun merchandise.

When will the winners be announced?

We will notify the winners by email in the week of Sept. 23, 2024. If we cannot reach the winners, we will notify them through U.S. mail the following week.

So, please go digital. It’s a win-win option.

Change is constant in life, be it the weather or — often — the ways things are done. The challenge at hand is how to deliver The Best Times to readers by the best means possible and addressing costs as a bimonthly publication for the growing population of aging adults in Johnson County.

Digital vs. print option

We also know some Best Times readers may like the online option; many others might not. However, the opportunity has allowed us to be innovative in contemporary ways to inform readers by traditional print and the ever-changing digital age.

Unless a form is submitted, readers will continue to receive their magazine in the mail. If a form is received with a reader’s email, a link to the magazine will be sent to the reader for a digital version of The Best Times and no printed issue will be mailed.

Either option remains up to Best Times readers. Whether by mail or email, we value and appreciate each and every one of you.