Nurses can vaccinate homebound

By Ashley Follett

The Johnson County Department of Health and Environment ensures all residents, including those who are homebound, have access to essential health services like flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.

If you or a loved one can’t leave home due to severe immobility, paralysis, being on a ventilator or other medical reasons, JCDHE’s outreach nurses are ready to help.

Starting in October, once the homebound flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster are available, JCDHE outreach nurses will bring immunizations directly to the door of homebound residents. We know how important it is to protect yourself from the flu and COVID, especially if getting out and about isn’t an option. Both vaccines are covered by most Medicare plans.

JCDHE is dedicated to keeping our community healthy and safe. By providing homebound flu and COVID-19 vaccinations, we’re making sure everyone has the opportunity to stay well through the fall and winter.

If you need more information or want to schedule a home visit, call 913-826-1221. You can also learn more by visiting our website at

Ashley Follett is senior communications specialist at the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment.